YWCA Services
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Services Include*:
- 24/7 Crisis Response: Support Line and Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Accompaniment
- Advocates are available 24/7 through YWCA’s Support Line for crisis counseling, questions, connection to resources, and referral to our programs. YWCA advocates also respond 24/7 to Stanford Hospital and Santa Clara Valley Medical Center to accompany and support survivors through a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE). They can provide information on options and connect survivors to other community resources.
- Criminal Advocacy (criminal justice system navigation and support)
- YWCA advocates support survivors throughout the criminal justice process with system navigation and case updates. YWCA advocates accompany survivors to court, interviews, and other meetings throughout the process.
- Stanford Advocacy (Title IX/SHARE system navigation and support)
- YWCA advocates support survivors throughout the SHARE Title IX process with system navigation, accompaniment, and case updates. Advocates also support survivors in accessing campus resources including academic accommodations and housing navigation.
- Personal Advocacy (internal/external resources and referrals to meet basic needs)
- YWCA advocates work to support survivors in navigating health and safety planning, housing resources, financial assistance, and referral to other resources and services as needed.
- Legal Advocacy (restraining orders, visas)
- YWCA legal services advocates support survivors with domestic violence and civil harassment restraining orders, visas (U, T, VAWA), and family/civil court system navigation.
- Support Groups
- YWCA @ Stanford offers a quarterly support group for survivors of all genders.
- YWCA offers a number of support groups that create a community where survivors are empowered through their unique experiences, forming a safe place for individuals to experience their healing together without judgment. Please refer to our website https://yourywca.org/support-counseling/ for up-to-date information on when these groups occur.
- Counseling and Therapy
- YWCA offers therapy services to meet the needs of each client. From individual to group therapy, youth or family services, YWCA counselors and therapists create spaces for the client to express how they feel in a safe environment, receive validation & emotional support, explore solutions, get connected to more services, and begin to heal from the experiences they have had.
* All services provided in English and Spanish, other languages accommodated via a confidential language line.